Hot again naturally, This was Tim’s second year with me, he fishes alone and is a fantastic caster. All of you know when fishing is tough, making the best casts give you your best chances. Last year, Tim had three snake head on that came unbuttoned and this year, he came determined to succeed. At the end of the night he even commented how every hit came when the popper landed right next to the pad stem.
We started off with the swimmy and had about three fish just miss. After about an hour and switching to the Rico, got this one.

Ten minutes later, the Rico takes this one.

We fished that area and those like it for quite awhile with no other hits. We moved to Horseman’s Creek to see what was shaking. The tide was now heading in hard. We got this fat boy on the Rico.

We got two more small largemouth in small feeder off the main creek. We were beat and had had enough so, we packed it in around 8:45 and headed for the ramp.