Wed., I have a young family and the weather could not have been nicer. We found a few here and there but not the numbers we had the last five years on this date. Only one in tuxedo.
Capt Mike

Thursday, Weather again was nice and we tried a few new spots to see if the slabs had moved in yet. Not so much but the quality of the fish caught was good.
Capt Mike

Friday is a bit breezy but not too bad. Choose a different spot to fish and the catfish are thick. Made for a fun day.
Capt Mike

Saturday I have Gary and crew. Once again fish the spot from Friday and got some nice crappie and a bunch of cats again.
Capt Mike

Sunday I have Tom and his family so I decide to hit a local creek. It was slow and the bite was still not on even with higher water temps.
Capt Mike