Since the dance is over for crappie and my good client agreed, we changed venue and targets. We are going to do a carp trip. All the knowledge and proper tackle acquired I felt confident that this new venture into guiding would go well.
We met at a decent hour of 9am at ramp. No parking anywhere due to kayak tourney going on. No worries I know a spot to park less than a mile from ramp. All down hill. Forgot about that until retrieving truck and trailer at end of day. Woosh they need to put in a motorized walkway. LOL
The fishing went well with more than a dozen carp and twice as many catfish. My good client kept saying "why go to Louisiana when these carp fight just as good as redfish." 15 minute fights and several doubles wore them out. We had a slow hour at the end and one of the crew was snoring..That ended quickly with a huge carp that refused to come to boat. It took a while but I netted it.
Capt Mike